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Friday, August 28, 2009

Week nine

Rohan has turned two (months) and I must say that the time seems to be going faster than I remember with Appu. It might also be all the stress and excitement about our incoming trip, which has taken a couple of months if not more of preparation - no kidding! Still not ready, but once the plane takes off what is done is done and the rest can be forgotten, for better or for worse. A comforting thought :) .

Yesterday Rohan met a doctor for the first time and received his first vaccination shots. I wasn't fun for anybody, but we also learned that he is a really big boy, as we already suspected. He is 60 cm and almost 6 kg, I think - it's incredible how fast I forget things this days.

We just came back from a really nice dinner at the institute with our neighbor Kyle (am I spelling this right?) and his parents. Rajiv and his friend ran around, screamed their lungs out and colored with crayons while being fed very unhealthy food. I think they can't complain and neither can I, since while all this was going on I still managed to have an amazing raspberry semifreddo, while bouncing up and down on my chair to keep Rohan asleep in the sling.

For the rest of the post the theme is going to be "things that made me happy this week" (apart from the semifreddo):
  • Appu singing the alphabet song with his sweet baby voice.
  • Appu playing in the bed early (very) in the morning.
  • Rohan wearing his leg warmers.

  • Appu discovering that stickers are fun.

  • My attempts at learning to use a wrap seem to show more promise this time around. Look at me, all wrapped up with a sleeping Rohan and ready to fly away on my broom!

  • Rohan wearing a pink baseball cap. This cap was originally bought by my aunt for a little dog called Lara (don't ask), but the dog never tried it on and so the cap has made its way to a new owner, who wears it with great dignity.

  • Lots of packages in the mail. I love receiving packages above all else, even when they are the result of my online shopping: surprises are overrated.
  • It seems that the trip to Paris in the fall might actually happen in the end, if we don't change our mind again.
And next week this time we will be in Italy and the next we will be in India and then we get to rest (or not?).

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