Foto recenti in ordine casuale, tutte scattate in suolo indiano.

Shirt courtesy of our friends Bob and Kelly.
Per gli italiani, la maglietta dice "fratellino".

This picture is not great, but it made it to the blog because it signifies we have found a new place. That's our new flat! Please behold the white floor and the hints of sunlight from the window: nothing to be taken for granted.
Papa' e Appu si guardano intorno mentre mamma prende le misure di un possibile appartamento dove trasferirci. Ieri abbiamo accettato e traslocheremo entro una decina di giorni.

I love this picture and now you can see who Appu gets his big eyes from. This was taken by Kuttamama at dinner a couple of days ago. S is holding Appu's drawing board where aunt Anu has made this charming portrait of the "happy family" using the geometric shapes that come with the board. Rohan was added minutes later, so he shouldn't feel left out - but fortunately he doesn't care about this stuff yet.
Sulla lavagnetta un disegno di zia Anu. Dovremmo essere io, S e Appu. Niente male, no?

Same night, same photograher, Appu trying to eat a raw carrot. He doesn't like them raw, but he always tries. And how can he look so beautiful in the process? Sorry, mommy speaking :)
Appu prova a mangiare una carota cruda - che tanto non gli piace, ma lui ci prova sempre.

My best nursing picture so far. Mamma with Rohan, self-portrait.
Mamma con Rohan, autoritratto.

Here I have succeeded in wiggling out of the sling without waking up the little one. A crucial talent to cultivate.
Rohan addormentato e ancora avvolto nella sua fascia porta-Rohan.

Appu takes a bath Indian style - with dad's help. He used to hate it, but not anymore, thankfully.
Appu fa il bagno alla maniera Indiana, con l'aiuto di papa'.
... bello luminoso, questo appartamento .... e, quanto ai traslochi, ormai siete dei veri professionisti !!