My mom is still here, for one more week. She says Appu is so beautiful I can be allowed to cut his hair because it won't matter. I actually think I did an awesome job this time, except perhaps the usual problem with the sloped cut in the front. But my mom says that's good, we don't want him looking too orderly. No fears there, I would like to add.
Nonna Laura also says that Appu is a "disastro", in the sense of a natural disaster like a fire or a tornado. The parallel surely fits, so if you call him a disaster I won't be offended - I might even sigh and smile - but please don't say he is naughty, I really hate that word. We have a deal?
Let me just conclude with a brief Rohan update. He is making new cute sounds, he coos and says "a" and "g", but the best thing is this sound coming from the back of his throat, something in between a purr and a gurgle, that he makes while looking into your eyes and smiling. Priceless!
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