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Saturday, May 9, 2009

How does it sound?

Niccolo' Ashok

Note that Niccolo' is pronounced with the stress on the last 'o', like you would in a French word for example. Clear as mud? Well, the pronunciation issue is one of the things that worry us about the name.

But mostly, we are not sure if the name goes well with the last name. Opinions?

Another point is: will the brothers find a way to feel treated unevenly over this? Like: why didn't I get an Indian name too, or vice versa. More opinions?

As an Indian alternative we have considered Nikhil, which has the "nic" sound that the mom likes, but I don't feel so good in giving again a name that has no Italian history. Anyway, thoughts about Nikhil?

Ok, I think you have enough homework for now. More later. :)


  1. We had a simple deal. They kept the Norwegian surname, but then the first name would be Indian. And I also managed to sneak in my maiden name as their middle name. Why don't they have Dell Aquila in their names?

    Another alternative is that Niccolo can have an Indian middle name?

  2. .. Nic no, please, altrimenti Machiavelli verrĂ  di notte a tirarvi per i piedi ....


  3. Shal: Good idea! But too late for us...

    I regret a little not having chosen Dell'Aquila as a last name for Appu (Ashok would have made a nice middle name...) but that is done and I don't think it makes sense to choose different last names for two siblings. It's not even allowed probably...

  4. Nonna: Non abbiamo suggerito "Nic", la scelta di cui parlavamo e' tra "Niccolo'" e "Nikhil". Pero' bisognera' accettare che se uno di questi nomi verra' scelto ci sara' sicuramente qualcuno che secgliera' di utilizzare il diminutivo "Nick".
