Here are the first pictures of the house renovation, from lest week. More as soon as I find my camera...
The first two photos show the sanding of the hardwood floor in the living room and dining room. The floor, was scratched and looked terrible. It had also been stained a dark color, which we didn't like and the quarter rounds were missing so the perimeter of the room looked completely unfinished. We chose to keep the natural color of the wood, which turned out to be oak and the result is quite nice. The bedrooms received the same treatment, but the wood was damaged by water in a few spots, so the result is not as nice, although still better than before.

Le altre due foto invece mostrano le scale di accesso al seminterrato. Come molti di voi gia' sanno, qui abbiamo svolto la nostra principale opera di fai-da-te finora. Abbiamo tolto l'orrenda tappezzeria nera a fiorellini e abbiamo comiciato a mettere una carta da parati bianca con con vari ghirigori in rilievo che imitano un muro grezzo. Nele foto vedete il muro giallino che viene lentamente coperto, un riquadro ala volta, dalla carta bianca.
The other two pictures show the stairs that lead to the basement. This was our main do-it-yourself project so far. We removed some horrible black wallpaper and we substituted it with white textured wallpaper that imitates the texture of a plastered wall. In the pictures you can see the yellowish wall being covered by sheets of white wallpaper. Unfortunately we abandoned the work to focus our energies on the move, but we hope to get back to it and finish in a few days.
Not very thrilling pictures, sorry. More soon (?).

aah, we'll survive on the unsexy titbits (or tits and bits as an Indian menu once called it!)you offer! Now, put up stunning pictures of house and family soon. This is an order!
ReplyDeleteman, it looks like you don't even need lucy!!!