Cominciamo con alcune foto scattate a Calicut in occasione del Choroonu di Rajiv. Si tratta di una piccola cerimonia indu' che celebra la prima volta che ad un bambino viene offerto del cibo solido. Nel nostro caso non era esattamente la prima volta, ma quasi. Il piccolino non ha apprezzato il pasto neanche questa volta, ha pianto tutto il tempo e non ha accettato neanche un chicco di riso. La gita al tempio pero' gli e' piaciuta, riso a parte, e ha passato il tempo prima della cerimonia gattonando allegramente sul grande pavimento di marmo e giocando con il cugino Jeydev.
I am very much behind with my planned posts. With the trip to Calicut for Christmas and the visit of our friends Emiliano and Ilaria there has not been much time for blogging. Now life is back to normal, meaning we are back online, and it is time to catch up with the backlog of pictures accumulated in these weeks.
I will start with the pictures of the Choroonu, from our trip to Calicut. For those who might not know, the Choroonu is the ritual first feeding for a baby. The baby sits on his dad's lap and is given a little bit of rice with honey and ghee. (Honey in principle should not be given to small babies, I didn't know it was going to be part of the meal. I don't think he really ingested any though.)
I don't have pictures of the feeding itself, because I was trying to take a disastrous video, but I thought I would share a few cute pictures of little one crawling happily in the temple and playing with his cousin Jaydev. Little one really loved the large open space and the marble floor. Unfortunately he wasn't so happy during the feeding later on: he actually cried for the whole duration of it and spat every single grain of rice, for several minutes after it was all over. Still, it is the idea that matters I suppose.

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