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Saturday, November 10, 2007

A few of his favourite things

Some things that make Rajiv laugh or smile - Alcune cose che fanno ridere o sorridere Rajiv:
  • Somebody smiling at him

    Una persona che gli sorride

  • Singing a song to him

    Cantargli una canzone

  • Rolling on the bed with mom or dad

    Rotolare sul letto con mamma o papa'

  • Tickling him...

    Il solletico...

  • Kisses, including flying kisses directed at him

    Baci, anche i baci da lontano

  • Taking a bath and splashing the water everywhere!

    Fare il bagno e spruzzare l'acqua dappertutto!

  • Meeting again mom and dad after some time with the babysitter

    Rivedere mamma e papa' dopo un paio d'ore con la babysitter

  • Saying "Bububububu", "Baabaaabaaa" and such very near to his face

    Dire "Bububububu", "Baabaaabaaa" e simili guardandolo negli occhi

  • Being transported in a nice blue towel after having going to the toilet and having had his bottom well washed

    Essere trasportato nel suo asciugamano azzurro dopo essere andato in bagno e essere stato ben lavato

  • Being lifted by his armpits and cycling his legs in the air

    Essere solevato da sotto le ascelle e agitare le gambe per aria

  • The other baby in the mirror

    L'altro bimbo nello specchio

  • Rhythmic sounds and movements (he loves it when we make him dance!)

    Suoni e movimenti ritmici

  • Red objects

    Oggetti rossi

  • The noise of an empty can falling on the floor

    Il rumore di una lattina vuota che cade per terra

  • A shelf full of books

    Uno scaffale pieno di libri


  1. what about hanging upside down by one leg while his head just rests on a pillow ?

  2. Uhm, true... I also forgot to mention taking off his diaper, a major source of joy!

  3. Indeed, he loves bookshelves. Lots of colours, same reason I like them too... :)
