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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Appuntamento mensile con la pediatra

Ieri siamo andati dalla pediatra per la visita mensile. Solo due iniezioni questa volta, contemporaneamente sulle due gambe, cosi' e' stato tutto fatto in un colpo solo. Rajiv ha pianto non piu' di 30 secondi e poi ha espresso un chiaro desiderio di cibo, e' stato nutrito, gli abbiamo dato il paracetamolo e si e' addormentato nel marsupio. In questi giorni ha piu' fame del solito e forse la fame lo ha distratto dal trauma della vaccinazione.

Il peso e' 6.01 Kg, vestito. Ha preso un po' meno peso del mese scorso, ma a quanto pare e' normale che l'aumento di peso si riduca col passare dei mesi. La pediatra dice che la norma e' raggiungere un peso di circa 10 kg al primo compleanno, quindi siamo bene indirizzati.

Abbiamo anche discusso la possibilita' di introdurre qualche altra forma di nutrimento dopo i quattro mesi, tipo succhi di frutta e verdura cotta e frullata, ma la mia intenzione sarebbe di allattare esclusivamente il piccolino almeno fino ai sei mesi.

Yesterday we went for our monthly appointment with the pediatrician. It was only two injections this time, given simultaneously on the two legs, so it was less traumatic for him than last time. Also, little one is eating more than usual these days (the famous Growth Spurt?) and it seems that his focus on food distracts him from anything else.

He now weighs 6.01 Kg with clothes. He didn't gain as much as last month, but according to the pediatrician this is a normal trend. She says that the norm would be for the baby to reach a weight of about 10 Kg by his first birthday, so it seems that we are doing fine.

We also discussed the possibility of introducing next month what she calls a "weaning diet" of fruit juice and steamed and mashed fruits. However, I think I would like to postpone this to when he is six months or so and give only milk until then.

1 comment:

  1. Dear E, Not to be a lactation nazi, but yes! stick to milk for the first six months given that supply is abundant and growth is adequate. It's a completely old-fashioned bollocks theory that somehow kids are healthier if you introduce "semi solids" early. Anyway, good for you!

    Am exhausted beyind belief these days, so cloth nappy research is on hold for the time being! hugs to Kunjappu and S
