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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Happy Birthday Piccolo Rajiv!

Oggi il piccolino compie due mesi. Purtroppo per "festeggiare" il complemese tra due giorni lo attendono ben quattro (mi pare) punture per le varie vaccinazioni... :(

Questa a sinistra e' una foto di pochi giorni fa. A Rajiv piace moltissimo colpire con le mani quelle tessere appese davanti a lui, e' uno dei giochi che hanno avuto piu' successo finora. Gli piacerebbe colpire anche con i piedi, ma per ora e' al di sopra delle sue possibilita'. Vi terro' aggiornati sui suoi progressi!

Today little one is two months old! Unfortunatly this also means that soon he will have to be pricked again for the vaccines... :(

The picture on the side is from a few days ago. We put the mobile that was meant for the crib at a height where he could reach it (he hates seeing it and not being able to touch it) and he played happily for at least half an hour hitting the hanging cards with his hands. What he really would like to do, it seems, is hitting with his feet, but this seems to be a too ambitious goal for him right now. (Deepu: Big feet, but short legs...)


  1. Incredibly cute pic! No I know that you're lying that he doesn't sleep and keeps you up an' all.. just your grumpy delusions! or he is just one happy camper non-sleeper!
